How Can Other API Implementations Benefit From Green Button's OAuth Inventions?

Tech Articles & Briefs,

MyData API Patterns: OAUTH for Green Button

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This article series describes the Green Button Initiative as a set of technologies that enable utility customers to share their usage information with third party service providers using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. To satisfy the Green Button use case, several small but significant extensions to the OAuth standard were needed, as described herein. With these enhancements the “scope” of OAuth applications has been substantially increased to the benefit of the data services that may be provided.

We hope that similar use cases in other domains might benefit from these techniques as well.

The following references are provided for enriched additional information for the reader about technologies and choices made in the design of the Green Button architecture.

Next in this Series

This series was co-authored by Marty Burns, former Electronic Engineer, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology & Dr. David Wollman, Deputy Director, Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Some content has been updated to match the latest best practices and for adherence to the NAESB REQ.21 ESPI v3.3 standard.