U.S. Initiatives
Green Button™ mandates, legislation, and regulatory inclusion
In September 2011, U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Aneesh Chopra, challenged utilities across the country to develop “Green Button”1—a means of providing detailed customer energy-usage information available for download in a simple, common format:
Through utility-industry support for Green Button, consumers would be able to make better-informed decisions about their energy consumption. Standardizing on the data format could result in innovative applications that might transform the way people use energy.
Since that time, states across the union have embraced the concept of usage-data sharing and many public-utility commissions and service commissions have moved forward with legislation, regulation, mandates, and laws.
Visit the pages of Green Button Alliance Members in the USA:
Federal, States, Districts, and Territories
U.S. Congressional Activities
Activities of United States’ legislation including data access/sharing and Green Button data access and sharing.
118th Congress (2023-2024)
Senate |
House of Representatives
117th Congress (2021-2022)
Senate |
House of Representatives |
116th Congress (2019-2020)
House of Representatives |
115th Congress (2017-2018)
House of Representatives
114th Congress (2015-2016)
Senate |
House of Representatives |
113th Congress (2013-2014)
Senate |
House of Representatives |
U.S. Department of Energy
Funding through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and other opportunities.
DOE’s Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Office
Tax Credit Product Lookup Tool (2024Q3)
DOE’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO)
Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program
- Second Funding Opportunity for 2024-2025 — submissions closed on 22-MAY-2024.
DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP)
Data Access Plan Introduction
for IRA Section 50121 (“Home Efficiency Rebates”) — January 2024:
Data Access Pathways Background and Plan Templates
for IRA Section 50121 (“Home Efficiency Rebates”) — January 2024:
Application Instructions (ver 1.1)
for IRA Section 50121 (“Home Efficiency Rebates”) and
for IRA Section 50121 (“Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates”) — October 2023:
Data Access Guidelines
for IRA Section 50121 (“Home Efficiency Rebates”) — July 2023:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
“EPA, HUD, DOE Sign Joint Letter Asking Utility Companies to Make Energy and Water Usage Data Available for Multifamily Properties” — January 2024:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
“HUD, DOE, EPA Sign Joint Letter Asking Utility Companies to Make Energy and Water Usage Data Available for Multifamily Properties” — January 2024:
U.S. NIST (U.S. Dept of Commerce)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Global Community Technology Challenge (GCTC) Strategic Plan 2024-2026 (Initial Public Draft):
NIST requested Public Input on Published Strategic Plan for Smart Cities Program until 29 February 2024.
Draft 2.0 of the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) document:
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) accepted public comment on the draft framework until 04 November 2023.
NIST officially unveiled (2023-08-15) their Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 Reference Tool. This resource is to allow users to explore the Draft CSF 2.0 Core (Functions, Categories, Subcategories, Implementation Examples) and offer human and machine-readable versions of the draft Core (in both JSON and Excel formats).
Arkansas Public Service Commission changed their website:
Smart Grid Landing Page of the California Public Utilities Commission:
Cost Recovery for Improvements to the Click-Through Authorization Process:
Details of Proceeding 16A-0588E: Public Service Company - CPCN AMI and IVVO:
Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) - Framework for an Equitable Modern Grid:
- Electric-Grid-Modernization Efforts (CT PURA)
- Docket No. 17-12-03RE02: “PURA Investigation into Distribution System Planning of the Electric Distribution Companies”
- 2024-03-14: Connecticut H.B. No 5443 “An Act Establishing an Energy Data Bill of Rights” (CT PURA) [pdf]
District of Columbia
Case: FC1130 - In the Matter of the Investigation into Modernizing the Energy Delivery System for Increased Sustainability:
Grid Modernization Technologies:
Data-Access Working Group of 2023:
Report on Resolve, Regarding Monitoring of and Reporting on Energy Use Data Standards and Online Energy Data Platforms Presented to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology; February 28, 2023:
Resolve, Regarding Monitoring of and Reporting on Energy Use Data Standards and Online Energy Data Platforms:
Report on Statewide, Multiple-use Online Energy Data Platform:
An Act To Direct the Public Utilities Commission to Implement a Statewide, Multi-use Online Energy Data Platform:
Mass Department of Public Utilities:
- Grid-Modernization ‑Related Activities (Mass DPU)
- 2024 An Act Promoting a Clean Energy Grid Advancing Equity and Protecting Ratepayers (Mass Legisl.)
- 2024-08-01: D.P.U. 21-80/81/82 — AMI Stakeholder Group Final Report (Mass DPU) [.pdf]
- 2024-02-15: D.P.U. 21-80/81/82 — AMI Stakeholder Group Progress Report (Mass DPU) [.pdf]
- 2022-11-30: Order on New Technologies and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Proposals (Mass DPU) [.pdf]
Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Data Access and Privacy Recommendations of the MPSC Staff:
- Data Access and Privacy Recommendations [.pdf]
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Commission recognize Green Button Connect as the appropriate foundation for easy and secure access to energy usage information in a consumer-friendly and computer-friendly format.
MI Power Grid:
MI Power Grid - Customer Data Access and Privacy:
Establishment of a Working Case Regarding FERC Order 2222 (Participation of DER Aggregators in Markets Operated by RTOs and ISOs):
MO File No. EW-2021-0267: Order Partially Modifying the Commission’s 2010 Order Regarding ARCs:
66th Legislature - HB0267: An Act establishing utility requirements for the use of advanced metering devices, etc.:
New Hampshire
DE 19-197: Electric and Natural Gas Utilities - Development of a Statewide, Multi-Use Online Energy Data Platform:
- New Hampshire Activities (PUC)
- New Hampshire Energy Platform Governance Council:
New Jersey
EO20110716- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Work Session:
New York
Matter Number: 20-00406, Case Number: 20-M-0082 - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Strategic Use of Energy Related Data:
October 31st, 2023 - IEDR Program Team of NYSERDA:
Changes to the MVP use case development scope have occurred.
These changes most significantly affect the “Efficient and Effective Access to Existing Customer Billing Data” use case. A use case sandbox environment will be complete at the time of the MVP release, which will allow users to explore this use case functionality with sample dummy customer data sets. The full functionality of this use case will be scheduled early in Phase 2 of Program development.
We want to assure our stakeholders that despite the change in MVP use case development scope, the IEDR Program Team is still prioritizing the development of the “Efficient and Effective Access to Existing Customer Billing Data” use case. We look forward to launching the sandbox environment in the MVP and the fully functional use case in Phase 2 of Program development. We will be sure to keep you informed as more updates on these important and foundational platform features become available.
Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) - Initial Public Version:
Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) - Program:
- NY IEDR Resources, Reports, and FAQs
- YouTube Video about NYSERDA IEDR “Green Button Connect Sandbox”
Inflation Reduction Act: Businesses (for New York):
North Carolina
Docket E-100 Sub 161 - Rulemaking Docket for Commission Rules Related to Electric Customer Billing:
Case Record: 18-1597-EL-GRD - In the matter of the PowerForward Data and Modern Grid Workgroup:
Docket Number: M-2021-3029018 - Investigation Into Third-Party Access to EDC Customer Data:
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission and Division of Public Utilities and Carriers
Docket No: 22-49-EL — The Narragansett Electric Co. d/b/a Rhode Island Energy’s Advanced Metering Functionality (“AMF”) Business Case
Open Meeting Motions and Votes (2023-09-27):
Rhode Island PUC & Rhode Island Energy’s Filings (2022-11-18):
Case: 47472-100 - Commission Staff’s Petition to Determine Requirements for Smart Meter Texas:
HB 2332 - Electric utilities; protection of customer data: