Webinars & Recordings

Webinars & Recordings of Events, Conferences, and Meetings

Recurring Meetings

Please note:

As of Sunday, March 9th, Daylight Savings is being observed in some parts of Canada and the U.S.
Please keep that in mind for meeting times (e.g., EDT, CDT, MDT, PDT)

All-Member Meetings

Join other GBA members to learn  about Green Button® industry updates; GBA news; activities; Green Button deployments; member company updates, discussion and more. For GBA members only. 

Open to the Industry:

OpenADE Meetings

Open Automated Data Exchange (OpenADE™): Listen-in or participate in the technical discussions and ideas that will evolve into the next versions of the Green Button standards.

Industry Events


GBA’s Annual
General Meeting

The 2025 AGM will be held
on the 25th of March
in Dallas, Texas, at

All GBA Members
and non-members
are welcome to attend
to learn about key Green Button energy data-enabled initiatives, forward industry movement, 
and what the future holds.

Register for Free


DISTRIBUTECH International®

The leading, annual transmission and distribution event that addresses technologies used to move electricity from the power plant through the transmission and distribution systems to the meter and inside the home or business.

DISTRIBUTECH March 2025 in Dallas, Texas, will be the location of our 2025 AGM!

CS Week Conference®

The premier annual educational and customer-service conference serving electric, gas, and water/wastewater utility professionals across North America and around the world.

Recorded GBA Events

Missed a great event?  View the recordings of our past events.