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GridWise Architecture Council - Green Button Overview

An overview of Green Button presented to GWAC

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Event Details

The Green Button Alliance’s Executive Director, Jeremy J. Roberts, presents both the basics and the latest activities in the ecosystem of Green Button energy usage-data sharing activities to the GridWise® Architecture Council in July 2023.

Topics of the presentation include:

  • What the Green Button does for people.
  • What comprises the standard.
  • A quick look at the history of its evolution.
  • How the two data-sharing methods work.
  • How personal information is shared securely.
  • How data flow between the Utilities and the Third Parties that the Customer selects.
  • Updates on the deployments of Green Button platforms and the Policies that back it.
  • A look at who is driving Green Button adoption.
  • How to interact with the GBA via social media and the web.

   The GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) is a team of industry leaders who are shaping the guiding principles, or architecture, of a highly intelligent and interactive electric system—one ripe with decision-making information exchange and market-based opportunities.  This architecture will provide the guidelines for interaction between participants and interoperability between technologies and systems.

{31 minutes}

The GBA thanks the GWAC members for inviting us to speak at their council meeting and for sharing the recording of the session.


The GridWise® Architecture Council (GWAC) was formed by the U.S. Department of Energy to promote and enable interoperability among the many entities that interact with the nation’s electric power system.  The GWAC members are a balanced and respected team representing the many constituencies of the electricity supply chain and users.  The GWAC maintains a broad perspective of the GridWise vision and provides industry guidance and tools that make it an available and practical resource for the various implementations of Smart Grid technology.