Green Button Sandbox
A tool for developers to simulate API calls
The Green Button Alliance is working on a brand new Sandbox for developers to test different application programming interface (API) calls for Connect My Data (CMD) implementations.
However, the new platform won't be ready until sometime in 2024. For now, we still provide access to our old, original reference Green Button Data-Custodian implementation.
Reaching the Sandbox
Here's where you can find the old Green Button Data-Custodian Sandbox:
Note: Other people also use the Sandbox, so it may be unstable. If you think you are doing a call to it and not getting the response you expect, please Contact Us and we'll see if things need to be reset.
Use the following logins to obtain access:
- For the Data Custodian login:
grace : koala (ROLE=ADMIN) or
- For the Retail Customer login:
alan : koala (ROLE=USER)
Dedicated Resource
We can also spin-up another Sandbox that we can dedicate just for your use. Naturally, there are monthly charges involved in that to cover our costs but it would be all yours. It's important to note, in any case, that the current Sandbox does not support the latest version of the NAESB REQ.21 ESPI standard, version 3.3. Therefore, there is no support for the Retail Customer (e.g., Personally Identifiable Information) portion of the ESPI standard. Keep that in mind if it is something you want to support.
Check our Offerings page to see if we have Private Sandbox listed as an option yet. If we don't have it listed for subscribing, then please contact us for the latest information.
API Documentation
As we work to complete new material for posting here on this website, you can find application programming interface (API) information here on our GitHub repository:
The documentation for the API (though a bit old and no-longer maintained at this link) can be found archived here:
Assistance with the Sandbox
The Green Button Alliance provides members with Green Button Technical Education & Training. Sponsor and Participating Members have some included hours as a benefit of their membership; however, anyone is able to purchase hours—member or not.
The Standard
The ESPI standard can be obtained from NAESB directly using this order form (look for the yellow highlighting):
API information and its relationship to other parts of the standard are found therein.
Wishing you great success,
- The GBA Staff