Welcome to the New Green Button Alliance Website

Jeremy J. Roberts,
Executive Director
Today, we are thrilled to introduce the new GBA website. We have been working hard to prepare the site and new resources and fill it not-only with the eight years of great content from our previous website but also with new information on Data-Access Initiatives, places to find-out more about DMD, CMD, and what it all means for you.
There are now places for Developers too, with sample XML pieces that will help developers understand the difference between an <entry>
and an <IntervalBlock>
and how they work together. On the righthand-side of this page, you’ll find we’ve put-together Tech Articles & Briefs to make those items easy to find. Over the coming months, we’ll be adding even-more information for developers on OAuth, APIs, and suggested de facto behaviors—“best practices” for items not defined by the standard but learned over the past decade of utility-platform deployments across North America.
Aside from a modernized look and feel, and helpful developer pages, the new website also empowers GBA members in a variety of ways:
Members now have a Member Compass™ self-serve area available to all of their employees—and with the right level of authority, individuals can even pay annual Membership Dues invoices and see any open balances their company has with the GBA.
Individuals can update their Profile and select the type of information they want emailed to them (bringing GBA to them, as they wish).
Further, administrators of your company can even decide who should be in the GBA’s system to participate on their company’s behalf.
Lastly, we’ve made it easier for everyone—members and non-members—to sign-up for Events; purchase Technical-Education Time; and kick-start Certification for their company’s Green Button platforms.
Don’t be daunted by a new navigation to learn, the Search feature of the new website is top-notch in finding resources, quickly; and, as always, the GBA staff is here to help you find what you need: Contact Us with any questions.
While we’re proud of the new GBA website we’re unveiling today, we’re especially looking forward to providing additional resources in the coming months; including new case studies, marketing materials, more tools for development, video content, and more to help utilities, third-party solution providers, and end users understand the benefits of standards-based Green Button platforms, solutions, and services.
Kindest Regards,
— the GBA Staff