Photo of Ontario Ministry of Energy

Ontario Ministry of Energy


Organization Overview

The Ontario Ministry of Energy is focused on establishing Ontario's conservation culture, ensuring a cost-efficient, reliable and environmentally sustainable energy system, and directing energy financing and procurement. The Ministry sets the legislative and policy framework within which energy sector participants and regulators operate. The ministry works closely with a range of provincially established organizations, including the Ontario Power Authority, Independent Electricity System Operator, Ontario Energy Board, Hydro One, & Ontario Power Generation.

The Ontario Ministry of Energy oversees the regulatory framework for electricity pricing and develops policies to mitigate energy prices for Ontario consumers and businesses; supports energy efficiency and conservation; supports the growth of clean technology and innovation in the electricity sector; engages with Indigenous partners, local distribution companies, transmission companies and energy agencies in energy sector decisions; and drives efficiencies and performance for consumers.
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Company Type
Government Liaison or GBA-Affiliated Organization