[FB_10] Natural Gas Interval Metering

[FB_10] Natural Gas Interval Metering is an optional Function Block for CMD and DMD certifications.  It verifies the data being tested contains the minimum required Atom Protocol and ESPI elements and is one of the Function Blocks required to be selected for [FB_04] Interval Metering.

Certification Tests performed for [FB_10] Natural Gas Interval Metering.  Certification tests verify the data contains the correct Certification Identifier that was assigned as part of the CMD and DMD Certification Application processing.
Test ID XML Data Element Tested Expected Results
EU_FB10_DE_001   ReadingType


Verify the UsagePoint entry espi:kind value represents natural gas (value is 1)

its "related" ReadingType entry contains
espi:accumulationBehavior value represents "deltaData" (value is 4),
espi:commodity value represents "natural gas" (value is 7),
espi:flowDirection value represents "forward" (value is 1),
espi:kind value represents "energy" (value is 12),
espi:uom value represents "joule" (value is 31) or "btu" (value is 132) or "therm" (value is 169)

its "related" ReadingType entry contains
espi:accumulationBehavior value represents "deltaData" (value is 4),
espi:commodity value represents "natural gas" (value is 7),
espi:flowDirection value represents "forward" (value is 1),
espi:kind value represents "volume" (value is 58),
espi:uom value represents "cubic meter" (value is 42) or "cubic feet" (value is 119)