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MARC 2023 Annual Conference

The MARC 2023 Annual Conference will be held August 6-9 in Grand Rapids, MI

Sunday, August 6, 2023 to Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Event Details

MARC 2023Annual Conference 
Mid-America Regulatory Conference
Grand Vision: Past, Present, Future

Just across the river from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, the MARC 2023 conference takes place during the most active era of federal energy policy since President Ford was in the White House. Even with unprecedented federal investments through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, the role of state utility regulation and regulators has never been more important in overseeing the electric grid, pipelines, water infrastructure, and other critical assets.

Attend MARC for four days in Grand Rapids and recall President Ford’s legacy and identify the opportunities for the future!

If you have any questions about the Conference, please contact MARC 2023 Conference Staff at

Conference Information

GBA member company UtilityAPI will speaking on the "Best Practices in Sharing of Utility and Customer Data" panel taking place on Monday, August 7th from 4:00-5:00pm. 

Agenda for MARC 2023:

Register for MARC 2023: